Biblical numerology john j davis
Biblical numerology john j davis

biblical numerology john j davis

“Like prophetic words, prophetic numbers are to be accepted as literal” (Paul Lee Tan, The Interpretation of Prophecy, p. Be reluctant to symbolize the numbers of Scripture. They are not a symbol of some famine that has already taken place. For example, the locusts of Revelation 9 could be literal locusts or some demonic beings. With prophetic literature do not symbolize descriptions of the future that are possible or plausible. In verse 15 the from Christ’s mouth is a symbol (of His judging by His words), but that does not mean that the nations referred to in the same verse are a symbol of something else” (Zuck, pp. “In Revelation 19:19 the ‘beast’ is a symbol, but that does not mean that ‘ the kings of the earth and their armies’ in the same verse are to be taken as symbols. In prophetic literature do not assume that because a prophecy contains some symbols everything else in that prophecy is symbolic. The Holy Spirit is symbolized by water, oil, wind, and a dove” (Zuck, p.

biblical numerology john j davis

“Christ, for example, is said to resemble a lamb, a lion, a branch, a root, and others. Realize that one referent may be depicted by several objects. 5:8), and only its royal attributes point to Christ (Rev. A lion is both ferocious and kingly in nature, but only its furious nature points to Satan (1 Pet. Look for the one major point of comparison between the symbol and the referent and thus avoid attributing wrong characteristics to the referent. For example, “the preservative character of salt is common knowledge, as is the ferocity of lions, the docility of doves, the meekness of lambs, and the filthiness of pigs” (Ramm, p. If Scripture does not explicitly reveal the meaning of the symbol, consult parallel passages, search out the nature of the symbol and try to determine what major characteristic the symbol and the referent have in common. Fine linen Fine linen in Revelation 19:8 symbolizes the righteous acts of the saints.Ĭ. Serpent Revelation tells us that the Serpent is Satan (Rev. Ten horns The ten horns of the dreadful beast of Daniel 7:7 symbolize ten kings as revealed in Daniel 7:24.Ģ. See if the Scripture explicitly describes the meaning of the symbol.ġ. Identify the symbolic object or action, the referent and the connection between the symbol and the referent.ī. Sitting in dust and ashes (Job 42:6) symbolizes repentance.Ī. Tearing one’s clothes represents anger (Mark 14:63) and grief (Job 1:20).ĩ. Sheep in Isaiah 53:6 symbolize wayward humanity.Ĩ. A lion symbolize both Christ as King (Rev. Water is used to symbolize the Holy Spirit (John 7:38-39), the Word of God (Eph. Dry bones given new flesh symbolizes Israel’s restoration (Ezek. The four beasts of Daniel 7 represent four major world empires (Lion=Babylon Bear=Medo-Persia Leopard=Greece Dreadful beast=Rome).Ĥ. Bread and wine are symbols of Christ’s body and blood (Luke 22:19-20).Ģ. Christ is a sacrifice just as lambs were used for sacrifice)ġ. The meaning-the resemblance between the symbolic object and the referent. Symbols have basis in reality Symbols are based on literal objects or actions such as a lion, a bear, a dove or tearing one’s clothes.ġ. A symbol may represent something past, present or future.Ĭ. However, a type represents something that is yet to come while a symbol has no essential reference to time. How do symbols differ from types? Symbols and types both represent something else. Symbols usually take the form of objects or actions.ī. The thing that is depicted is not the real thing but conveys a representative meaning” (Paul Lee Tan, Literal Interpretation of the Bible, p. 265) “A symbol is a representative and graphic delineation of an actual event, truth, or object. A definition “A symbol is a sign which suggests meaning rather than stating it.” (Mickelsen, p.

Biblical numerology john j davis